Monday, 15 October 2007

Second method.

I’ve been trying to do the second method of head modelling, using the sphere as a start point, with the convergence points as the ears, and I would like to say that I thought it was going to be easier.


It’s not, it is actually just as tricky.

When you attempt this method I will advise that all caution is taken;

Make sure there is nothing breakable near by
Make sure you are not near loved ones, people who you don’t want to get angry with.

All jokes aside, in the hand out from the book that Jo knowledgably recommended, the methods are related to modelling Carlo’s head, you will find that when this is applied to re-creating your own head it is slightly more tricky and takes a lot of thinking about.

This is because:

1. We do not have perfectly aligned heads that pulled out and forward sphere’s fit into. ( When modelling one of the first stages is to select the front lower polygons, this means select the ones that are on line with the centre-cutting rings, not including the ones that are immediately touching the centre pole. Hope that makes sense.)

2. Our faces do not align, topology or no topology, exactly with the rings of a circle. ( I have so far found that aligning the vertices and lines is tricky as there are not necessarily as many to play with as on the first technique.

My last piece of advice for this, at the moment due to me still playing about with it, is to completely forget the 1st method. Trying to use both methods together will become very confusing, I keep finding myself moving vertices to where I feel they should be, as we did with the 1st method, and this is not how this method works.

I hope something from this comes in useful to someone, I will post some pictures soon to show what I’ve been up to and how far I got before tearing my hair out. ( Please do not laugh if when you next see me I have bald patches.)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like this 2nd method didnt work to well. I shall stick to the first method then!

Jo Bowman said...

good to see that you have taken the time to check out the other method, which I think is quite difficult in comparison to the spline method. Definately it is easier to understand a video tutorial over a text book!