Wednesday, 31 October 2007

OK, So.

OK guys, from the people I have talked to about Friday's 'meeting', and from what I have read as well, it seems to me that some things got sorted out and some didn't. I apologise for not being able to stick around on Friday, and would like to apologise now to anyone that reads this before Friday that I unfortunately will not be able to attend this week either. I understand that this will not amuse some people, but after this week you can rely on me fully, and I will be at every one's disposal whenever I am needed.

OK, so according to James T he feels that the 'meeting' was more of a shouting match, this is not going to get us anywhere and will only cause more problems than are necessary, I would also like to comment on the fact that he feels that some people may take longer to do some work than others and that this will set us back. I feel that, as the project manager, I will be set to ensure that everyone works when and how they should be working. There will be deadlines set to each piece of work, and if these are not adhered to or anyone has any concerns as to the progress please let me know and we can see if people need help. If the case becomes that someone is not pulling their weight so to speak and are just taking advantage of being a modeller and thinking that they have all the time to create their work, then we can address this person, and if this does not work, please be aware that I will bring this to Jo's attention.

I believe that we can complete this project the way that it has been set out, as long as everyone understands that we need to help each. As James also pointed out, we are all adults, why do we have to scream and shout over each other, we need to listen to each other and stop being a bunch of children.

Thank you to Leah for taking an account of the minutes, as much as this has helped me I feel that this will also help anyone who has become confused. Leah has said to me that she will take notes again for me this week, which I will be reading through. I will get feed back off of everyone so please lets all work together.

I have looked into people's blogs as well and it's really good to see some work coming together already, we have Tim starting to create a ship, although slightly ambitiously, I feel that with the skills he has, and his dedication to max, he'll be OK.

Also Ben's barrels that he has created look great, the smoke effect is brilliant, defiantly something we should use.

On James W blog, if anyone fancies a look, you can see a brilliant short video of a smoke test, that looks great, and a water scene with a boat that also look really good.

These techniques are really good, but I realise that these and the ship are being created by people who are brilliant at max, with all of us working together it's going to look great.

SO, FINALLY, were all adults, lets all have some faith in our abilities and the abilities of others and get this made

Again I apologise for my absence but I will be back, next week.



Jo Bowman said...

Well expressed Sam - I think I can rely on you to keep the team on track!

James Tickett said...

Hey, just to keep you up to date...

We've got some deadlines sorted out now, and its looking very do-able. Also we've sorted out our jobs on this now, so we all know what we're supposed to be doing. I think its pretty much all sorted. We could do with a final storyboard to use as a reference or something, but I think ali's working on that. I was relieved in a way that when I went in last friday, a lot of people said they felt the same way about the meeting, and it wasnt just me :P

The face/head was due in Friday, although a few of us (me too!) havent finished yet, so I'm sure if you havent got it done, you can mail it to Jo, or give it to her on friday.

Oh, if you use MSN, add me if you want. My email address is on my blogger profile.