I went home over the weekend and was going to have someone take some good pictures of me with really good light balance etc so I wouldn't have to fiddle with them too much, and I forgot. So, I took some here, there not all that good but hey they'll be good enough for now till I remember this weekend. It'll give me something to work with for now. Ive been to the library too and got some books on max, 3ds max 7 BIBLE, its big let me tell you, Ive also got a copy of max 9 bible on my computer so Ive been going through those trying to keep up. During my library excursion I also found a book called Modelling a character in 3ds max, so thought i'd get that to browse. My boyfriend also managed to get hold of some tutorials on the basics of modelling and animation for me, there much like the one we used in class.
I think im preparing well im looking forward to fri, hopefully we'll get onto max and start pulling our own faces about, and also look into this second method of modelling. Being as we had s couple opf techinical hitches last week and couldn't get that far.
So as for my pictures so far, there they are....^^^
I've seen that 3Ds Max bible, I swear its longer than the christian Bible. My product design teacher in 6th form was a pro with Max, and he told me something useful; "Don't ever try to learn all of Max, theres way too much to the program. Just learn the basics and when you need to do something, look that thing up."
Fortunately its a program that you can learn new things from, by just playing with the different buttons from time to time! :P
Do we need to draw the topology in 3Ds Max as well for friday?
I think the 'bible' is fine for dipping in and out of, I would never recommend it to beginners.
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