Friday, 9 November 2007

Friday 9th

Today I have been looking into creating explosions. One the second to last post you can see all of these tests of exploding a barrell, I then moved onto exploding a room of barrels, I've got two vids for this, one is half the room exploding, and the second is the whole room exploding. This took forever to render but looks awesome if I do say so myself. I then got to thinking about where else there would be an explosion, the canon would emit a slight explosion when the canon ball fires. Ive also created and animated this, this is the last video.


wedgie said...

Nooo, my precious barrels. :P Haha, that does look amazing though. I'm very impressed on how well this has turned out.

Leah said...

That is brilliant. It is great the way the barrels explode into so many pieces. It looks so realistic.

Anonymous said...

I think thats great! Love the effect! Looks really good.